Yves Mettler --

Yves Mettler
18/01/2008 - 01/03/2008

Yves Mettler, Exologisms, 2008
Courtesy Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Wien

Yves Mettler, The Neighbourhood, 2008
Karton, Plexiglas, Phosphorlicht, 200 x 260 x 170 cm
Courtesy Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Wien

Yves Mettler, The Island, 2008
Stoff, Styroporfüllung, 40 x 120 x 120 cm
Courtesy Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Wien

Yves Mettler, The River, 2008
Video, Sound, 25 min.
Courtesy Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Wien