Carter -- 1972

09/11/2007 - 05/01/2008

Carter 1972, 2007
Courtesy Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Wien

Carter 1972, 2007
Courtesy Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Wien

Carter 1972, 2007
Courtesy Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Wien

Carter, Double Prosopopoeia (with Two-Hundred and Eighty-four Abstract Paintings), 2007
Acryl, Papier, synthetisches Haar und Leim auf Leinwand
127 x 114,3 cm (je Bild)
Courtesy Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Wien

Carter, Likeness (bust #7 and #8), 2006/2007
diverse Materialien
150 x 48,5 x 104 cm
Courtesy Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Wien

Carter, Ten Portraits, Six Rocks and Two-Hundred and Seventy three Abstract Paintings, 2007
Acryl, Papier und Leim auf Leinwand
127 x 114,3 cm
Courtesy Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Wien

Carter, Twenty Portraits, Three Rocks and Two-Hundred and Sixty Abstract Paintings, 2007
Acryl, Papier, synthetisches Haar und Leim auf Leinwand
182,8 x 142,2 cm
Courtesy Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Wien