Andreas Fogarasi -- Georgetown

Andreas Fogarasi
17/09/2010 - 06/11/2010

Andreas Fogarasi, Untitled (Wise Corners), 2010
marble sculptures, photos, 148,5 x 110 x 34 cm
Courtesy Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna

Andreas Fogarasi, Untitled (Wise Corners), 2010
marble sculptures, photos, 148,5 x 110 x 34 cm
Courtesy Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna

Andreas Fogarasi, Folkemuseum, 2010
Video, 1 sequence: 19 min, loop
Courtesy Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna

Andreas Fogarasi, I do not agree, 2007
model for a work in public space (wood, cardboard), 148,5 x 110 x 34 cm
Courtesy Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna

Andreas Fogarasi, Kultur und Freizeit, 2006
3 aluminium dibond boards, LED lamps, à 100 x 70 cm
Courtesy Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna

Andreas Fogarasi, The City of Light, 2008
pencil on paper, 27,9 x 21,6 cm
Courtesy Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna