Michael Gumhold -- [:The:Complete:Rehearsal:Room:Recordings:]

Michael Gumhold
18/03/2009 - 02/05/2009

Michael Gumhold, 150 RPM: Amplifier: Rehearsal: Room #8, 2007/2009
Courtesy Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna

Michael Gumhold, [: The : Complete : Rehearsal : Room : Recordings :], 2009, Exhibition view,
Courtesy Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna

Michael Gumhold, Untitled (corridor), 2009
music cassettes, cable strips, wood, carpet
215 x 270 x 700 cm
Courtesy Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna

Michael Gumhold, Untitled (PHIL spector), 2009
painted wood, music cassettes, cable straps
153 x 455 x 7 cm
Courtesy Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna

Michael Gumhold, Untitled (The Sculpture Group-expanded #3), 2009
oil and acrylic varnish on wood, springs
127 x 111 x 7 cm
Courtesy Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna

Michael Gumhold, Untitled (The Sculpture Group-expanded #4), 2009
oil and acrylic varnish on wood, springs
127 x 111 x 7 cm
Courtesy Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna